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All the amazing features and performance of the award winning Robe LEDWash luminaires in a 1000 mm moving linear strip.
8x15 RGBW LED multichips
2.295 lux @ 5 m /2.420 lm
8° - 67°
sun strip effects, pixel control, pre-programmed colours and whites
La bibliothèque de couleurs virtuelles intégrée DataSwatch™ pour les projecteurs LED Robe comprend jusqu'à 237 couleurs et tons préprogrammés et calibrés, permettant une programmation rapide et précise.
Une fois la fonction activée, le projecteur imite la température de couleur d'une lampe halogène lorsque vous diminuez la luminosité pour produire ce rougeoiement traditionnel.
Le General Device Type Format crée une définition unifiée pour l'échange de données relatives au fonctionnement des projecteurs intelligents, tels que les projecteurs motorisés. Le format de fichier est aisément lisible par les utilisateurs et a été développé à partir de formats open source.
Talented Slovenian singer-songwriter Nina Pušlar played a major sold-out show in Ljubljana’s 14,400-capacity Stožice Arena which was recorded for broadcast on national TV and celebrated the dropping of some exciting new music from Nina, for which her team including creative director Anže Škrube wanted a spectacular production.
Lighting designer Andy Webb didn’t have any hesitation about which additional production lighting he wanted on the rig for two high-profile UK 2023-24 pantomime seasons … and that was Robe!
The UK’s Festive holidays ignited the zany and uniquely British performance phenomena of pantomime which came to theatre stages up and down the UK! This year lighting designer Andy Webb was delighted to be asked to design two high-profile panto shows – Aladdin at the Waterside Theatre in Aylesbury and Beauty and The Beast at the Festival Theatre in Malvern, both for UK Productions (UKP).
The UK panto season is back with a BIG bang after waiting in the wings during 2020 as the country squared up to Covid-19, reigniting all things panto like slapstick comedy, toilet-brow innuendo, gawdy sets, psychedelic vibrance and total craziness for which it’s known and appreciated, with lighting designers around the country delighted to be back working on this peculiarly English and highly expressive genre of performance.
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