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Improved, brighter version of the ROBE RGBW LED module allows the DL4X Spot fixture to utilize the specifically modified colour mixing and dimming for extra smooth, stepless operation especially at minimum brightness levels while giving colour outputs brighter than a 1200 Watt discharge unit, but with an average very eco-friendly power consumption of only 250 Watts.
480 W RGBW LED engine
6.320 lm
10° - 45°
rotating and static gobo wheel
La bibliothèque de couleurs virtuelles intégrée DataSwatch™ pour les projecteurs LED Robe comprend jusqu'à 237 couleurs et tons préprogrammés et calibrés, permettant une programmation rapide et précise.
Le système L3™ Low Light Linearity System produit des fondus au noir imperceptibles et ultras doux.
Une fois la fonction activée, le projecteur imite la température de couleur d'une lampe halogène lorsque vous diminuez la luminosité pour produire ce rougeoiement traditionnel.
Our technical team at Robe, together with a Robe dedicated GDTF (General Device Type Format) in house library maintainer, has been working on ensuring that when new products are released, correct GDTF file is made available for controlling, visualization or planning. Read on for more details.
Robe brought an animated, vibrant, high-impact theatre meets rock ‘n’ roll live show to the centre of its stand design at the 2018 PLASA entertainment technology expo in London’s Olympia.
The brand new Eesti Rahva Muuseum (Estonian National Museum) in Tartu has recently opened in a fabulous new single story state-of-the-art 350 metre long architectural masterpiece resembling a portion of a runway lifting upwards … built on the former Raadi Air Base just outside the cultural hub and second city of Tartu, and near to the site of the original Muuseum at Raadi Manor.
The first three-day Times Square ‘Weekender’ Festival was staged in the centre of Newcastle in the UK and was closed with a rousing performance by local heroes Maximo Park, with an all Robe moving light rig supplied to the event by locally based R&M Productions.
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