France / FR

ESPRITE® LightMaster Side

ESPRITE® LightMaster Side | ROBE lighting

ESPRITE® LightMaster Side

ESPRITE LightMaster is an accessory of externally mounted programmable followspot handles with a control panel and two individual faders that allow you to create quality follow spot from ESPRITE® and ESPRITE® FS fixtures.

Available in sideways mounted option, the handles feature two programmable faders (for example for dimmer and iris) and a control panel with touch screen display and four custom programmable jog-wheels and ten assignable buttons for a fully-customizeable user experience.

The programmable buttons, jog-wheels and faders allow the operator to comfortably trigger and control dimmer, iris, focus, zoom, frost, colors or other features of the unit. Internal fixture's settings allow you to fully tailor pan/tilt movement behavior by adjusting tension smoothness and resistance.

While in use by a follow spot operator, the remote desk can still take control of all the internal features of the unit (like dimmer, colors etc.).

Quick mounting in side position is assured by using quarter turn lock screws. The control panel connects to the unit via USB connection.

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