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Introducing the revolutionary RoboSpot follow spot system, a device that allows follow spot operators to remotely control up to 12 fixtures simultaneously without the safety concerns and impracticality of placing personnel at the top venues such as stadiums, indoor arenas, concert halls, theatres, TV and film sets. Stunning visual displays are now possible with as many as 12 perfectly synchronised fixtures following a performer across the stage.
Le General Device Type Format crée une définition unifiée pour l'échange de données relatives au fonctionnement des projecteurs intelligents, tels que les projecteurs motorisés. Le format de fichier est aisément lisible par les utilisateurs et a été développé à partir de formats open source.
Nashville – well known as a vibrant and major hub for the production and live entertainment industry – staged its own superlative concert – “Jack Daniel’s New Year’s Eve Live: Nashville’s Big Bash” – at Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park to celebrate the new year rollover, featuring an impressive artist lineup and an eye-popping lighting and production design created by Robert W. Peterson of Real World Lighting.
PRO3 – one of Mexico’s leading lighting and visual design studios which also has a large stock of its own lighting equipment – has invested in more Robe moving lights in the last 18 months with the purchase of FORTES, Spiiders and RoboSpot systems.
Creative studio FragmentNine (F9) led by Jeremy Lechterman was asked by creative director / production designer Jason Ardizzone-West of JAW Studio to collaborate on the lighting elements of an impressive production design for J-pop singer/songwriter and superstar Hikaru Utada’s 2024 tour, as the artist returned to live performance after a six-year hiatus for an extensive tour of Japan and Asia, supporting a new album project, Science Fiction.
The second series of The Masked Singer SA was one of the most successful music TV shows of 2024, broadcast on SABC, and featuring an outstanding production lighting design created by two of the country’s most talented LDs, Ryan Lombard and Joshua Cutts, based around the core components of 150 Robe moving lights.
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