France / FR

All Action for Robe Celebrating Another Winning PLASA

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Robe lighting enjoyed a fabulous and highly eventful PLASA 2012 exhibition at Earl’s Court in London, UK.

In addition to a super-busy 4-day expo, the Czech moving light manufacturer launched seven new cutting edge products; won a 2012 PLASA Innovation Award; raised £6,200 for industry charity Light Relief with the auction of a genuine Olympic Torch and hosted the uber party of the exhibition on the Sunday night!

Robe‘s ‘Working With Winners’ campaign launched earlier this summer embraced new and unparalleled levels of excellence and excitement, with Robe CEO Josef Valchar commenting : “It was an incredible PLASA all round for us – carrying on what’s been an amazing year”.

Making Some Noise!

Robe also celebrated its tenth PLASA!

Back in 2002 the company burst on the scene with its first PLASA as an ‘own brand’ entity, up to that point having been a quality OEM manufacturer of some experience.

In this short time, Robe has rocketed from being a very young pretender to being among the top three global players in moving light technology manufacture.

Truly International

Robe’s multi-lingual stand was staffed by Robe’s international and local sales and marketing teams plus key distributors from around the world, collectively speaking over 20 languages, and with a massive aggregate of knowledge and experience.

The stylish, eye-catching stand design was again the result of Nathan Wan from Robe UK’s imagination and visual skills.

Lucky Seven

The stand saw a constant stream of visitors and all the new ROBIN series products attracted intense interest.

The newly launched luminaires are : the ROBIN DLS Profile, MMX WashBeam, 800 LEDWash, Actors 3, 6 and 12, and the ROBIN 100 LED Beam DL and SW versions, all based on the ‘smaller, lighter, brighter’ and more environmentally sustainable design concept at the core of Robe’s product development strategy.

Getting The Party Started!

The off-site action kicked off with Robe’s now legendary Sunday night party, once again staged at the Café de Paris in Piccadilly, central London, which confirmed its reputation and the MUST-GO social event of PLASA.

The venue was again rammed with revellers right from the start who were entertained in great style by pop superstar ‘Robie Williams’ playing live with his backing band.

The set featured a phenomenal Take That medley performed by a completely new line up hand-picked by ‘Robie Williams’ himself, comprising Josef Valchar, International Sales Manager Harry von den Stemmen, Key Account Manager for Europe Ingo Dombrowski and CEO of Australian distributor ULA, Cuono Biviano.

The Boys seriously rocked the house!

The party continued well into the night as those who also visited other events earlier in the evening converged on Café de Paris for late drinks, dancing and fun.

Innovation Award

Monday early evening saw Robe win a 2012 PLASA Innovation Award for their revolutionary ROBIN DLF Wash.

The panel of independent industry Judges commented that the LED wash fixture “Behaves like a traditional fresnel and will fit straight into the lighting tool box. The internal barn doors are exceptional, it has beautiful colour mixing and looks like a generic wash light - but it's LED."

Shortly after the announcement of this coveted achievement, the Auction of Robe’s Olympic Torch started.

Torch Auction

The Olympic Torch – which came to prominence during one section of the Torch relay around the UK ahead of the Summer Games in London - was displayed on the stand during the day, attracting plenty of interest and fitting perfectly with Robe’s ‘Working With Winners’ theme.

It was donated for the Auction by Josef Valchar to raise money for leading entertainment technology industry charity Light Relief …. and the winning bid of £6,200.00 came from Belgium based AED Rent.

The Green Light

Robe also used PLASA as a platform to boost its already strong green policies, underlining its commitment to helping preserve the planet in as many ways as possible.

All Robe’s products are now marked with three different shades of green stickers – a simple ‘traffic light’ system allowing potential buyers to immediately identify and assess  the effective green status.

Robe is committed to producing genuinely more sustainable products and solutions for greentailing, and also to consistently and continually refining its own production processes to be more eco-friendly and utilise alternative and cleaner sources of energy.

Working With Winners

Summing up, an incredibly buoyant PLASA, Josef Valchar states, “It has been a great show for Robe, once again reinforcing the teamwork and dedication involved in all aspects of ‘Working with Winners’. The icing on the cake was winning the Innovation Award and the opportunity of contributing to Light Relief”.

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