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Business Development
ROBE Uploader est un logiciel multiplateforme pour la mise à jour des appareils Robe. Il tire parti du RDM ainsi que du réseau Ethernet, si les appareils en sont équipés. Il est disponible pour Windows, Linux et macOS.
Service manuals for Robin iFORTE® and Robin PAINTE® had been released as well as important software updates for many devices including the iFORTE® and LEDBeam 350™. Read on for more details.
This newsletter is summarizing latest release of software updates, technical documents and certifications (Declarations of conformity for CE and UK). Read on for further information.
We have released service manuals for the new FORTE® and SPOTE™ fixtures, have some interesting news about additional green adjustment (tint channel) for ESPRITE® and will also mention other updates and releases to technical documentation.
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